HomeІгриRumors: BlizzConline Announces The Burning Crusade For World Of Warcraft Classic And Diablo II Remaster
Rumors: BlizzConline Announces The Burning Crusade For World Of Warcraft Classic And Diablo II Remaster
In anticipation of BlizzConline, all sorts of details of the upcoming online event are starting to surface online. So, a whole mountain of information was told by the insider Kaiser499, who previously predicted the showing of Diablo IV and Overwatch 2 at last year's BlizzCon.
If you believe Kaiser 499, then at BlizzConline we are waiting for:
- The Burning Crusade expansion announcement for World of Warcraft Claasic;
- Diablo II remaster, Resurrected;
- Diablo: Immortal release date announcement;
- Announcement of several mobile games, including a game set in the Warcraft universe;
- New information regarding the development of Overwatch 2 (announcement of new heroes and maps);
- Showcasing a new class and location for Diablo IV;
- Showcasing a new addition to Hearthstone.
The same information was partially confirmed by another insider - Metro_OW. Which of this turns out to be true - we will find out soon.
BlizzConline 2021 will take place online this week, February 19-20. This year, due to the coronavirus pandemic, all announcements and screenings will be held online.
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