PlayStation 5 gets its first big update
Tomorrow, April 14, Sony will present the first major update for the PlayStation 5. The official list of future changes is presented on the company's website.
Major changes:
- Memory Management PS5 and its extension. From now on, fans will be able to save PS5 games to compatible external USB drives.
- New social features for PS4 and PS5 consoles. Players will be able to play together on consoles of different generations using Share Play. In addition, a function to request to join a game session will appear.
- Improved controls and settings personalization for PS5 consoles. The Game Base function menu has been improved to provide faster access to important data and functions. Also, the developers added disabling game chat and adjusting player volume levels. Game updates can now be preloaded on the console if auto-update is enabled and the console is in rest mode. You will be able to search for games in the library and customize their display. In the "Settings" menu, you will be able to adjust the screen magnification in accordance with personal preferences.
- New settings for prizes and statistics screen. New prize statistics screen, where you can easily view information about the levels of prizes earned and statuses
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