New information on Baldur's Gate III has appeared
Before the release of Baldur's Gate III, the authors of the project continue to share bits of information. This time, the cut scenes and interactive mode with Twitch deserve the most mentions.
Baldur'sGate IIIFeature List
- The game has over one and a half million words.
- The cinematic dialogue only starts with the player who has activated it.
- The other members of the squad can come closer and choose whether to join the conversation or not.
- In the first case, they will be able to communicate which answer options they prefer.
- In the second case, they can go about their business (for example, start a fire, rob a talking player, or kill his interlocutor).
- Crowd Choice (Google Stadia) allows YouTube viewers to choose the next storyline and change what happens next.
- Integration with Twitch will allow viewers to vote for numbered options in dialogs.
- Both features will appear at the start of Early Access on Stadia and PC.
- There will be no difficulty level selection at the start of Early Access. He will appear later.
- The "outlook" parameter does not affect the game in any way, unlike the player's actions and decisions.
- Mod support will appear after the full release.
- Lone Wolf mode is on the way, but not at the start of Early Access.
- The authors take into account the support for widescreen monitors when working on the game and cinematic dialogues.
- In early access, the game will receive support for the Russian language.
- You will not be able to transfer saves and characters from Early Access to a full release.
- The developers are working to get the game out on GOG.
Baldur's Gate III is a full-fledged sequel to the legendary role-playing game Baldur's Gate II. The project will go into Early Access on September 30, 2020.
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