Meet the Shin Megami Tensei V Story Trailer
Atlus West unveiled a story-driven trailer for the upcoming Shin Megami Tensei V. A three-minute video introduces the events unfolding in SMT V.
In an instant, the usual life of the citizens of Tokyo changes dramatically: the city turns into ruins, and its streets are filled with demons and other evil spirits. The main character, who has supernatural powers and is able to fight hordes of otherworldly enemies, will have to save the situation.
Sooner or later, the hero will have to make a choice and decide what is worthy of salvation, and what is better to sacrifice for a higher goal. Not only the fate of Tokyo, but the entire world depends on the outcome of the choice.
Shin Megami Tensei V will be released in the West on November 12th. The game will be a Nintendo Switch exclusive.