HomeІгриThere are never too many promotions - the sale of games has started in the PlayStation Store
There are never too many promotions - the sale of games has started in the PlayStation Store
Following the Steam Summer Sale, the promotion has begun on the PlayStation Store. In the Sony store, it is not so large-scale, but you can still find interesting offers on it.
PlayStation Store Discounts
- Returnal (PS5) - give away at a discount of -25% of the total cost
- Returnal Digital Deluxe Edition (PS5) - give away at a discount of -22% of the total price
- Demon's Souls (PS5) - give away at a discount of -25% of the total cost
- Demon's Souls (PS5) - give away at a discount of -20% of the total cost
- MARVEL Spider-Man: Miles Morales (PS5/PS4) - Giveaway at a discount of -33% of the total price
- Sackboy: A Big Adventure - Giveaway at -29% off total price
- Nioh 2 Remastered (PS5/PS4) - give away at a discount of -33% of the total price
- Nioh Collection (PS5/PS4) - give away at a discount of -25% of the total price
- Destruction Allstars: Digital Deluxe Edition - give away at a discount of -25% of the total cost
The sale will only last for a few days. The promotion will end on June 29 at 01:00 CET.
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