Microsoft Store has started another big sale
In the second week of February, Microsoft decided to give gifts to players. The Microsoft Store has kicked off a new big sale for PCs and Consoles.
Hottest PC Deals
- DOOM Eternal - give away at a discount of -67% for $ 19.8
- Halo: The Master - Sold at a -40% discount for $ 23.99
- Fallout 76: Steel Dawn Deluxe Edition - Giveaway at a discount of -60% for $ 27.99
- Marvel vs.Capcom. Infinite. Deluxe Edition - give away at a discount of -60% for $ 23.99
- Middle-earth: Shadow Definitive Edition - give away at a discount of -75% for$ 19.99
- Yakuza: Like a Dragon Legendary Edition Hero Edition - $ -30 off for$ 62.99
Hottest Xbox Deals
- STAR WARS Jedi: Fallen Order Deluxe Edition - give away at a discount of -50% for $ 29.99
- TEKKEN 7 - Ultimate Edition - give away at a discount of -80% for $ 19.99
- SOULCALIBUR VI Deluxe Edition - give away at a discount of -75% for $ 24.99
- Sniper Elite 3 ULTIMATE EDITION - give away at a discount of -75% for$9.99
- Red Dead Redemption 2 - give away at a discount of -55% for $ 26.99
- Prey: Digital Deluxe Edition - give away at a discount of -50% for $ 19.99
The aforementioned discounts are just a small part of the entire range of promotional games. You can take a look at all the offers here.
In the meantime, there is no need to worry about it. ”
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