A step forward - Sony will publish their exclusive on Microsoft consoles
The Japanese company announced that baseball simulator MLB The Show 21, which is being developed by Sony's internal studio, will visit consoles from Microsoft, Xbox One and Xbox Series X/S. The game is being created by San Diego Studio, and Sony Interactive Entertainment will not only oversee the development of the game on the Xbox, but will also publish the title for these consoles. Notably, Microsoft's internal studios have partnered with Sony on numerous occasions.
Prior to that, Sony released its exclusives only on the PC. Horizon Zero Dawn and Death Stranding lost their coveted PlayStation exclusives last year and were ported to computers.
MLB The Show 21 is due out on April 20. This date will mark the exit of the baseball simulator from exclusive status. The game will feature a full-fledged crossplay between all platforms on which the sports simulator will be released. In addition, game owners on multiple platforms will be able to transfer saves without any problems.