Top 10 worst games of 2020 according to Metacritic
On the eve of the New Year, Metarcitic decided to make another TOP-10 games. This time, the aggregator decided to recall the worst projects of not the best year in history.
10. The Elder Scrolls: Blades (Nintendo Switch) - 42/100
9.Gleamlight (Nintendo Switch) - 42 points out of 100
8. Street Power Soccer (PlayStation 4) - 40 out of 100
7. Temarin (PlayStation 4) - 40 points out of 100
6. Remorthered: Broken Porcelain (PC) - 39 points out of 100
5. Arc of Alchemist (Ninendo Switch) - 36 points out of 100
4.Fast & Furios Crossroads (PC) - 34 points out of 100
3. Dawn of Fear (PlayStation 4) - 33 points out of 100
2.XII Remake (Xbox One) - 32 points out of 100
1. Tiny Racer (Nintendo Switch) - 29 points out of 100
As you can see, releases for the Nintendo Switch showed the worst results. The main failure of the year, Tiny Racer, did not score even 30 points, which is extremely rare.