In the footsteps of Ghostrunner: the release of the action-slasher Bright Memory
The video game celebration continues. Along with the launch of the Xbox Series X/S, the developers from FYQD released a trailer for the Bright Memory action game.
The game is already available for purchase in the Microsoft Store, and the issue price will be $ 8. The original game appeared in Steam Early Access back in 2019 and then featured several demo levels. After the success of the project, the developers decided to turn Bright Memory into a full-fledged game and are now working on Bright Memory: Infinite. In gratitude for the support from the community, the developers will present Bright Memory: Infinite to all Bright Memory owners.
The release of the "finished" version of Bright Memory is scheduled for 2021. The game is coming to PS4, Xbox Series X/S, Xbox One and PC.