HomeІгриSony has unveiled the sales data for its PC game titles, with Spider-Man boasting impressive sales of 1.5 million copies and The Last of Us recording 368,000 copies sold

Sony has unveiled the sales data for its PC game titles, with Spider-Man boasting impressive sales of 1.5 million copies and The Last of Us recording 368,000 copies sold
Sony presented a business presentation at its major event, where it shared information about game sales, the number of PS Plus subscribers, and plans for the coming years.
Here are the key points:
- Spider-Man Remastered for PC has sold over 1.5 million copies, generating a total revenue of $52 million.
- Since its release on March 28, The Last of Us Part I port has sold 368,000 copies, resulting in a revenue of $15.5 million.
- Sony expects that 20% of the total revenue in the fiscal year 2023 will come from PC game releases.14.1 million people are utilizing the PS+ Extra and Premium subscriptions, accounting for 30% of all PS Plus subscribers.
- Sales of PS VR2 are surpassing those of the previous model.
- Sony aims to cover all major game genres and plans to release at least two major games per year.

- Sony continues to invest in service games without reducing the number of single-player games. The company seeks to strike a balance between single-player and multiplayer titles, as well as between new IPs and established franchises. Notably, Naughty Dog is mentioned among the developers of service games.

- Upcoming games include Spider-Man 2 and Wolverine from Insomniac, Baldur's Gate 3, and a new Silent Hill.

The PlayStation Showcase 2023 event will commence on the evening of May 24 and will be streamed for over an hour.
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