HomeІгриGTA 6: Some features of game mechanics and plot points have become known

GTA 6: Some features of game mechanics and plot points have become known

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A lot of text, but for fans, this information will be extremely interesting!

INTERESTING GAME MECHANICS: Paintballs stain clothes.

Paintballs, blood, dirt, etc. will remain on your skin until you wash.

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NPCs can be heard having meaningful conversations, rather than random one-liners and small talk about past games.

The way Casey dresses can completely change how the characters perceive and interact with him. Wearing a suit in a good part of the city can be treated with complete respect. If he's wearing worn sweatpants and a dirty shirt, those same people may think he's there to steal and keep a close eye on him or treat him with indifference.

Brother-in-law Rose is a former Marine trying to start a private security company. At the end of the game, Rose becomes the company's silent partner after helping him.

Rose's department budget will be cut if she arrests the innocent. This is not the case if they have outstanding orders.

For reasons unknown to me, Rose hates Mondays. She is noticeably more annoyed on Mondays and her dialogue changes. It is mentioned several times throughout the story that for some reason, Rose has a serious and genuine hatred for this day.

When characters are not controlled, they will favor certain vehicles. For example, if you switch to Ricardo, you are more likely to find him traveling from your garage in a classic sports car than a sedan.

It's rare, but sometimes the character you control can do things that fit their personality on their own without any input from the player. For example, if Rose is exploring a house and is quickly attacked by a large dog, she may instinctively react and shoot the dog before the player has time to think about the situation and flee. Similarly, Ricardo can instinctively react and disarm someone who points a knife at him at close range.

Rose got seasick.

Although Ricardo never talks about his real family (he mentions several times that he has a grandson, but apparently he just made it up), he was apparently raised by an aunt.

If the player has enough money, the characters can shop on their own from time to time (in addition to buying food and alcohol/tobacco/drugs needed to meet their needs). For example, Casey might fork out for jewelry or, if he's rich enough, Ricardo might buy a classic car. Rose is the least likely to make luxury purchases without the player's involvement.

You can climb rocks.

MISSION SPOILER: In one of the missions, Ricardo fires a special rifle that fires climbing bolts to help Rose climb a cliff.

After the shot, the bullets gradually fall below the departure line.

The engine tuning has been completely redesigned and is said to be like the best racing games on the market. It is no longer the case that in the setup menu one setting is unambiguously better than another. Cars can be manually tuned from various grids, sliders and options, or more expensive presets are available to players after a certain outcome without knowing which options are preferred for that outcome.

Jewels can be built into weapons.

When using a taxi or other public transport, the "skip" option no longer costs more. Instead, the skip option has been replaced with a sleep option where your character will take a nap on the way to their destination. This is not only good for skipping the journey, but also for giving your character some rest.

If you sleep while traveling, you may wake up robbed in your sleep.

Commercial flights have different classes depending on the price.

In the English version of the game, there is an option (by default) that only shows subtitles if the character speaks Spanish. The subtitle is only translated for Rose and Ricardo (who both understand Spanish) and will not be displayed for Casey.

When you take girls on dates (as Casey), each of them will have their own likes and dislikes, just like in GTA IV. Some may like it when Casey wears nice clothes and will react negatively and less energetically if he doesn't, or if he wears the same clothes on multiple dates. Similar preferences exist for activities, food, vehicles, and music. Most girls will react negatively to Casey being rude or hostile towards (or towards) others. Others cannot. Each has its own unique personalities.

Commercial flights are not allowed. You can see the journey. However, you can oversleep it, like sleeping on the subway or taxi, to get to your destination.

In commercial flight, you see the inside of the aircraft, not the aircraft itself in third person. Travel is not "zoomable", but you cannot jump out of the plane if you are above the ground in the center (inaccessible and normally viewable). Attempt to show an animation of your flight through an inaccessible area before you leave the plane. However, during the flight, you can look out the window at an inaccessible area. Hair and beard growth resumes.

Casey has a harder time growing facial hair than Ricardo; it is a slower process and looks fragmented.

Sweat can drip from characters or build up noticeably.

Ricardo spent most of his war years serving in the Colombian conflict, quickly gaining a reputation.

Airport security is not idle. Strange behavior at the airport will raise questions for you. Skipping searches will have serious consequences. An attempt to steal or hijack an aircraft will have deadly consequences.

You can stand on the plane as you leave your seat rather than immediately jumping out of it. You can walk and interact with the aircraft, including drinking at bars or sneaking into another classroom. Butlers, chefs, maids, and other household staff can be hired at your residence. Every home will need a unique staff.

Feeding corpses to wild animals will cause them to devour them.

Pistols can be fired much faster than in previous games.

Notable weapon attachments and modifications include (but are not limited to): built-in gems, gold and platinum plating, engraving and carving, barrel length and rifling, stocks, muzzle brakes, silencers, extended magazines, various sights and telescopic sights, bipods, underbarrel grenade launchers, underbarrel flamethrowers, lasers (customizable colors), various stocks, grips, ammo types, quick release triggers (allow you to shoot faster), flashlights, IR lights, strobe lights, gun shields, wraps and paints.

Embedded gemstones include (but are not limited to): diamond, ruby, tanzanite, opal, alexandrite (changes color), emerald, sapphire, and benitoite (fluoresces under ultraviolet light)..

MISSION SPOILER: In the first heist, Pharmaceutical Solitions, you cannot choose your team or roles if you choose to ambush the vans. Instead, Ricardo calls the only contact he has left, who sends him two English agents (Steve and Phil) to help Casey and Ricardo steal the pills, while Rose directs the police response. You can freely switch between Rose, Casey and Ricardo.

Steve's thick cockney accent and breathtaking melodic rhyming slang mean that every character struggles to understand him. As such, his dialogue is not subtitled (similar to how Spanish is not subtitled for Casey). It can also make it difficult to listen to his operating instructions, combined with the limited directional HUD (you may be told where the car is, but there won't be anything on the map showing you where the car is; if you haven't heard that, you can go out of your way to try to find it). There is an interactive map on the Internet where you can enter the names of places (including streets, houses, etc.) to show you where they are on the map relative to you and help you get directions. Waypoints are returned, but markers are rarely marked on your map by default. If you've been told where to go (eg "WM Pharma Factory") and don't know where it is, you can enter it on the online map and mark it as a waypoint.

As in RDR2, the passengers in your car will often point you in the direction while driving.

When chasing a car that has escaped you as Rose, you can send a helicopter to find her (if she is not in sight of other officers). Then the helicopter will tell you the direction. Similarly, if officers are watching in a car, they will keep the radio updated on the whereabouts of the suspect.

If you own a legitimate business in Liberty City and refuse to pay protection money to the mafia, they won't burn down a building, destroy merchandise, or attack your workers like other gangs do. Instead, they can effectively unionize your workforce by sending them on indefinite strike until high fees are paid.

At the end of the game, if Casey chooses to kill Carl von Krastenburg and partner with his successor, any mob fees (and some street gang fees) cease, suggesting that the mob has at least partially dissolved into the von Krastenburg family.

At the end of the game, if Casey chooses to kill Carl von Krastenburg and partner with his successor, any betrayal of that partnership (claiming territory in Liberty City, killing anyone in their organization[includinganyaffiliatedgangsworkingforthem], assault, or stealing from their business, etc.) will finally break the alliance. This can never be restored, and an ongoing feud will begin until one side wins.

Ricardo's signature weapon is based on the.44 Magnum revolver and features unique Vagos engravings.

Rather, a common name such as "pistol" and "bullpup rifle" would have no in-universe names or manufacturers.

As criminals, Ramon and Tony cannot legally buy guns. Ricardo, being an illegal immigrant, is also denied the right to buy weapons legally. Casey in Carcer City (with tight Hun control) forbids him in-universe from also legally buying it. Rose is the only character who can buy weapons from gun shops.

All gun shops are in the south.

If Rose's popularity gets low enough, there will be riots in parts of Vice City.

Tactical units can use ballistic shields. They will stop most handguns and some shotguns, but may be ineffective against more powerful weapons.

Clothing can affect movement. For example, Rose cannot run in heels.

Rose is the fastest to reload her gun, followed by Ricardo and Casey. Ricardo reloads all other weapons faster, followed by Rose and Casey. The difference is minimal.

Although Rose is a skilled fighter, Rose's unarmed attacks do less damage per hit than Ricardo's, which does less damage than Casey's.

Casey is the only character who can deliver a "stunning blow", quickly knocking down an opponent with a single blow. This only works if the victim is not in a fighting stance and is facing Casey.

Because each character has a different weight (Casey is the heaviest and Rose is the lightest), each ragdoll is affected differently and realistically by inertia.

In addition to the effects of ringing in the ears, loud noises can "muffle" your character's hearing for a while.

It dawned on me that Rose's story is intertwined with Ramon's story much more than I thought.

Alcohol leads to slurred speech.

PLOT SPOILER: Shortly after Ramon's release from prison, a homicide lieutenant falsely arrests two members of the Vagos gang for the crimes of Casey and Ricardo. Believing that Ramon snitched on them as part of a deal, the gang splits in two and Ricardo's family (a partner and two children) are executed by shrapnel. Ramon spends much of his story under surveillance as the police suspect him of killing his family. Because he's a member of the gang (and the Wagos work so closely with the cartel), Rose's department handles part of his case, further intertwining their stories.

Tony Prince runs an operation that sells ecstasy through nightclubs.

Ned Luke works with Rockstar Games.

Tony Prince's story isn't too intertwined with Rose's or Ricardo's, but his mob connections make him notorious in Casey's circle if he decides to ally with Vivian von Krastenburg and end the game.

Taking control of the city in order to sell drugs for the cartel is Vagos' top priority. However, after Ramon's release, the gang splits into two groups (Ramon being the weakest of the two) and the feud between the groups becomes more intense than the feud with any other faction.

When Ramon was arrested, he had a car (I don't know what it's called, but apparently it's based on a Lincoln lowrider) that was confiscated and then put up for auction. The car was bought by his subordinate to return it to Ramon after his release. This underboss leads a group of shards and takes the car with him. Ramon gets the car back shortly after his DLC story begins, meaning that he is by default the only character other than Rose (if we count her as VCPD Buffalo) who has a car.

If I remember correctly, Ricardo's former cartel was called Los Perros Locos. The whole world is designed to give you the feeling that crime is at the core of the universe. The news constantly covers crimes, both foreign and foreign. This is a constant topic of conversation. It is even celebrated in feature films and television.

Audiobook function; several original comedy audiobooks of approximately 45 minutes each. You can listen to them with headphones or by connecting your phone to the speaker.

Ricardo smokes cigarettes.

When Ricardo is rich, he is partial to cigars.

The arrest of Elisabeth Torres completely changed the criminal dynamics in Bohan.

Bohan is a little bigger now.

Using a silencer on some weapons will cause them to jam more often.

It is constantly informed that the crimes that the player commits throughout the story, although large and heinous, are only a small part of the existing crimes.

You can get a good idea of the crimes committed by other factions and how they play out by reading and listening to the conversations.

Broken glass (i.e. knocked out of a window) can cause damage to others, including the player.

Police cars have armored doors, allowing people to take cover behind them with much less risk of a bullet coming through the door and hitting the person behind it.

Pressing the "cover" button while exiting the car will cause your character to leave the door open and take cover behind it as soon as they get out.

Interestingly, and for reasons unknown to me, GTA VI seems to have a number of criminal firms based in the United Kingdom, despite the fact that neither the game nor the two planned DLCs take the player to the UK, and to my knowledge, links between any of these British gangs and your characters are free at best; Ricardo has one English contact whose only role in this story that I know of is to introduce the trio to Phil and Steve.

Ramon speaks little, usually responding in single words or short sentences, despite speaking and understanding English perfectly.

Niko Bellic was never caught for his crimes. Stories about the "Serb" are still told from time to time in Liberty City, many news articles mention him, and even a nostalgic documentary was made about him. The actions of GTA IV are causing gigantic power shifts in the underworld, and the weakening of almost every faction over the course of the game paves the way for the Von Krastenburg family to grow so rapidly.

Although they mostly operate as a mafia-crime conglomerate (although they will also run large-scale legal and political operations), the von Krastenburg family is actually a family, although they operate very much like a large crime family. The family's patriarch, Karl von Krastenburg, is treated almost like an old godfather and oversees all the affairs and political interests of the family. His wife acts like a consigliere. His children sit below him in the family business, almost like lieutenants, followed by the extended family, followed by all the crime syndicates under their wing. This is the most powerful family in America, and their combined fortune exceeds one trillion dollars.

Being kind to the homeless (giving them money, talking to them, etc.) can be extremely helpful. Ricardo explains that where he is from the homeless, everyone sees. His philosophy may prove true in the game; treat the homeless well and they will share valuable information with your character about the things and people they have seen.

Under the influence of some hard drugs, people (including the playable characters) may have distorted facial expressions, slurred or broken speech. Rose can give speeches to her team to boost morale.

If a member of your team is incapacitated during a heist (shot but not killed; unable to get up and continue), Ricardo will automatically shoot and kill him.

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