ESPADA disbands their CS: GO roster
Alexey 'OverDrive' Biryukov, an insider and ex-trainer of ESPADA, announced that the e-sports club has disbanded its CS: GO roster. The information was confirmed by the director of the organization Dmitry Markov. Robert 'Patsi' Isyanov and Abdula 'degster' Hasanov will be sold to another club, but it is not yet known which one. Despite the disbandment of their roster, ESPADA do not want to leave this discipline and are going to assemble a new roster.
Dmitry Markov, CEO of ESPADA comments:
"ESPADA received an offer to buy two players. I and the squad decided to agree to the transfer. We are grateful to our players for their huge contribution to the development of the organization. Together we have come a long way. Therefore, the rest of the backbone was asked to leave with the release of contracts, so as not to go back and not go all the way again. I would like to thank all those who were rooting for us and supported to the very end. We plan to recruit a new five of young talents, at the moment the selection of players is already underway. "
The ESPADA roster looked like this:
- Dmitry 'Dima' Bandurka
- Abdul 'degster' Hasanov
- Vladislav 'FinigaN' Usov
- Dmitry 'S0tF1k' Forostyanko
- Robert Patsi 'Isyanov
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