Wichita Wolves became the champion of North American Challenger League 2022: Stage 1
The North American Challenger League 2022: Stage 1 has come to an end. In the championship, which was held online from March 26 to April 30, twelve North American teams fought for a prize pool of $40,000. The Wichita Wolves won the tournament with 24 points after 11 rounds.
According to the results of the regular season, Wichita Wolves got six wins in regular time, three wins in overtime, and also lost two matches. Arial Arise is in second place with six wins in regular time, one win in overtime and four losses. The third place was taken by 1shotLFO, which has seven wins in regular time, as well as two losses in overtime and regular time.
Results of North American Challenger League 2022: Stage 1
- 1st place: Wichita Wolves - $12,000 + slot to North American Challenger League 2022: Stage 2.
- 2nd place: Arial Arise - $8,000 + slot to North American Challenger League 2022: Stage 2.
- 3rd place: 1shotLFO — $5,000 + slot for North American Challenger League 2022: Stage 2.
- 4th place: Elyssar - $3,000 + slot for North American Challenger League 2022: Stage 2.
- 5th place: West Garfield Park - $2,400 + slot for North American Challenger League 2022: Stage 2.
- 6th place: TookTheKids - $2,400 + slot for North American Challenger League 2022: Stage 2.
- 7th place: Gaimin Gladiators - $2,200 + slot for North American Challenger League 2022: Stage 2.
- 8th place: Aqualix - $2,200 + slot for North American Challenger League 2022: Stage 2.
- 9th place: Karn & Co - $1,400 + slot to North American Challenger League 2022: Stage 2.
- 10th place: Nokturns - $1,400 + slot for North American Challenger League 2022: Stage 2.
- 11th place: Outlast - slot in the North American Challenger League 2022: Stage 2 - Relegation.
- 12th place: TheHeistLFO.
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