No sooner said than done - LCL commentator kept his promise and shaved his head
On his Telegram channel, one of the Continental League commentators said that he was confident in the victory of One Breath Gaming over Black Star Gaming. He was so confident in his choice that he even promised to shave his head if he was wrong. We do not exclude the fact that the commentator Faik Aliyev wanted to change his image and took the opportunity, but in the end it turned out what happened - the next day after the last match, Shorty appeared on the broadcast in a new image.
The skepticism towards Black Star Gaming is due to the fact that this team is an absolute newcomer to the CIS-league LoL Continental League. After the ended meeting, in which Kreox and his teammates from One Breath Gaming could not defeat Black Star Gaming, BGS made it to the second line of the standings and now share it with CrowCrowd and One Breath Gaming. All three teams have 4 wins and 2 losses each.
Three weeks of LCL Summer 2021 are over. Unicorns of Love took the first place with a score of 5-1, and the last two took CTRL PLAY and Dragon Army with a score of 1-5.