Riot Games announced a new Patch 12.12
A few days ago Riot Games published new Patch 12.12 Updates which, in general, includes new skins, buffs, nerfs, and everything in-between.
Let's explore this new changes a bit deeper.
Store Updates
Mythic Chromas
Added a new type of content to the Mythic Shop: Mythic Chromas, available for 40 Mythic Essence! The first Mythic Chroma is for Main Boss Veigar, available during patches 12.12. Mythic Chromas update a skin's VFX additionaly to its model. Riot launching for Legendary skins, as well as Mythic skins like the Ashen Knights. Each Ashen Knight skin will release with a Mythic Chroma and both will be available at the same time. Also they will release a new Mythic Chroma every two patches and vault the previous one.
Mythic Shop is rotating for the first time the normal rotation cadence:
- Prestige K/DA Evelynn (150 ME) and Prestige Pulsefire Lucian (125 ME) are entering the Mythic Shop and will be available
- Ashen Knight Pantheon and his accessories will be available
- Battle Boss Veigar's Mythic Chroma will be available
- Hextech Ziggs (100 ME) and Dreadnova Darius (100 ME) are entering the Mythic Shop
- Prestige K/DA Kai'Sa, Prestige PROJECT: Irelia, Prestige Spirit Blossom Teemo, Prestige Arcanist Zoe, Prestige Pulsefire Thresh, Prestige Battle Queen Diana, Hextech Annie, and Hextech Amumu will not be available in store anymore
Bugfixes and QOL Changes
- Fixed a bug where double digit KDAs would sometimes display incorrectly on the scoreboard
- Fixed a bug where error text would sometimes appear in party lobbies upon hitting the Find Match button
- Syndra, Rell, and Nautilus' Champion Select role tags have been fixed
- Fixed a bug where double digit KDAs would sometimes display incorrectly on the scoreboard
- Fixed a bug where Sion, Karthus, and Kog'Maw's corpses would have active unit collision after their passives expired (i.e. could cause minion blocking)
Upcoming Skins

Snow Moon Kayn

Snow Moon Illaoi

Snow Moon Caitlyn
For more detailed information visit the official website.