HomeLoLChembaroness Renata Glask is a new hero in League of Legends

Chembaroness Renata Glask is a new hero in League of Legends

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Just a couple of hours ago, on all Riot Games resources, mainly dedicated to League of Legends, there were links to the official website of the gaming company with Renata or a link to her trailer on YouTube.

Chembaroness Renata Glask is a new hero in League of Legends. Photo 1

But the story of the new hero began two days before the announcement. Then Riot Games threw a teaser into the community, creating a site dedicated to the source of Renata Glask's lore - supposedly the official page of her pharmaceutical company "Glasc Industires" from Zaun.

In the teaser, a piece of the character's lore was revealed, emphasizing its origin and direct relation to the chemtek barons, which were very clearly shown in the Arcane series. After Singed and Victor, it was in the series that they first remembered about hmtech technologies, which helped develop their lore, the new support hero will be a direct continuation of this. By the way, Renata is the second consecutive hero in League of Legends from Zaun, most recently Riot Games has already added the hero of the bot lane Zeri “Spark of Zaun” to the main servers.

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Chembaroness Renata Glask is a new hero in League of Legends. Photo 2

But today, we were presented with the mechanics on which the gameplay of Renata Glask is tied and her abilities, which were demonstrated in the trailer. A full description of her abilities can be read and viewed on her page on the LoL website. Well, more about the abilities themselves:

Passive Skill - Pressure Lever

Renata Glask's basic attacks mark enemies and deal additional damage. The marked target takes more damage from Renata's allies. Each successful attack removes the mark.

Almost identical mechanics we already have directly in the game itself with the hero-shooter Kalista. The Gunslinger selects an ally linked to him at the start of the match, and auto-attacks against one champion also detonate the mark. It will be interesting to see them bond together. Perhaps Riot Games will even nerf it over time.

Q - "Handshake"

Renata Glask fires a projectile from her mechanical arm that immobilizes the first enemy hit. When cast again, it knocks that unit back in the targeted direction, dealing damage to anyone it collides with and stunning if the knocked target is a champion.

Pretty standard skill for a support hero. There are already at least 4 variations of “hooks” in the game only for supports, Renata’s ability will become 5. In general, the skill does not look too strong and will bring significant benefits only with skillful use.

W - "Anti-crisis measures"

Renata Glask buffs herself or an allied champion, increasing attack speed and movement speed when moving towards enemies (effect gradually increases). If an ally is involved in killing an enemy champion, the duration of the buff is extended. If an ally dies while Anti-Crisis is active, their health is restored to maximum, but they ignite and burn out completely in 3 seconds.He can stop the burning by taking part in killing the champion.

And again, a mechanic that we have previously seen in the game: Zilean's ultimate ability, or even more similar, the effect from the soul of a chem-tech dragon (which was removed from the game due to too much efficiency). The buff to attack speed and movement speed is, of course, good. But, using the ability at the right time, Renata will literally repeat the same effect of the dragon's soul and, moreover, will resurrect an ally under favorable circumstances. The skill looks extremely strong and out of balance.

E - "Loyalty program"

Renata Glask launches chemtech missiles. They shield affected allies and slow and damage enemies. Having flown the maximum distance, the missiles explode, imposing effects on everyone around. In addition, they apply effects to fighters around Renata during the cast of the skill.

Another skinshot of a new support hero. The skill looks interesting, but, again, nothing new. It's just that Riot Games' character design department has combined several abilities into one ability this time. They can be compared to the Q and E of Karma.

R - "Change of leadership"

Renata Glask unleashes a cloud of chemicals that inflicts Frenzy on enemies hit, increasing their attack speed and forcing them to attack everyone around them. First of all, enraged opponents attack their allies, then neutral fighters, then Renata Glask's team, and then Renata herself.

Finally, we got to the sweetest part - Renata's ult. And unlike the rest of her skills, there is a unique new mechanic for the League of Legends. The first "mind control" mechanic over enemy champions in the history of the game.

Previously, Riot Games wanted to introduce something similar with the addition of the "Fallen King" Viego to the game, so that he himself controls the enemies, but this ended up taking the form of an enemy after killing him.

In the case of Renata, everything is quite simplified - control will not be direct, but chaotic with priorities. That is, by applying the ultimate to the entire enemy team, they will start hitting the nearest target for themselves with auto attacks. In this case, the target selection priority will be the following: allied champion, neutral creature, enemy champion.

It might seem to many that the skill is incredibly strong and does not fall within the framework of balance. However, I want to stop you. The balance lies precisely in auto attacks. For example, if the ultimate ability to hit two mages and a tank, then apart from a couple of seconds of control, there will be little sense.

Chembaroness Renata Glask is a new hero in League of Legends. Photo 3

But how exactly the new hero will prove himself in practice - we have yet to find out, because behind the beautiful and nominally strong abilities there are still a lot of numbers: damage, scales, reloads. Perhaps long cooldowns of skills will become the cornerstone of balance for the announced support. I think, one way or another, immediately after the release, it will have a pretty serious nerf in the next patch.

Renata Glask will only become available in patch 12.4. I remind you that the current patch is 12.2. But the next patch 12.3 should be out in a few days. From what I know from the patch preview, there's going to be a big series of nerfs to meta champions and a new ranger, Zeri, as well as a big item rebalance that isn't geared primarily towards ADC builds. So you can expect patch 12.4 and a new support in about 2-4 weeks.

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