PSG Talon renews LoL coaching staff
PSG Talon, a relatively young but strong team from Hong Kong, recently announced a list of their top strategists - their coaches for the new 2022.
The Hong Kong esports organization tweeted about this on December 31st.
The new year's head coach for PSG Talon will be the eminent Cheng 'CorGi' Pin-Lun, who coached the reigning champions EDward Gaming during their grand victory at Worlds 2021.
The second coach will be Korean Im 'Tom' Jae-hyeon, who has 6 years of coaching experience. You may know him from such Korean League teams as Newbee Young, BPZ and Gen.G.
Sangchun 'Maru' Lee will be the deputy trainers. There is little information about him in the public domain, so we will look at him in action.
The team will also be joined by analyst Yuwan, who was already in PSG Talon as an analyst, but at the same time as a substitute player.