League of Legends News Digest: More Rumors
Return of legends to Korea
4 Korean LPL players announced their intention to return to their home region. Zeka, Kanavi, Aiming and Nuguri will be looking for their home in LCK uda starting next season. According to some information, T1 is already actively considering options for signing a FunPlus Phoenix toplainer. For Kanavi, Gen.G looks the most attractive as the organization announced a team rebuilding.
If the rumors turn out to be true, then we can witness how the Korean region will once again return to its best times of 2013-2017, when no team from other leagues could compete with them.
MAD Lions renews coaching contracts
This is no longer a rumor, but news. The European organization turned out to be extremely pleased with the team's results and will not make replacements in the coaching staff, however, information on the composition is still being clarified, since whether the team will remain will depend on the players themselves.
Current MAD Lions roster:
- Armut
- Elyoya
- Humanoid
- Carrzy
- Kaiser
- Mac (head coach)
- Kaas (assistant coach)
- Pad (assistant coach)
Cloud9 denied roster rumors
Cloud9 founder Jack Etienne denied rumors about the team's future roster on Twitter:
This tweet states that at least three players (Bjergsen, MikyX and Hans Sama) will definitely not be playing for Cloud9 next season.
The community reacted to this post with sadness, as many would like to see MikyX and Hans Sama in the same team and their appearance in C9 was the greatest chance to play with the same roster.
xMatty is looking for a team
Twice triumphant European Masters and Karmine Corp player xMatty is looking for a team in the LEC. Many experts predict a lot of opportunities for him to change the roster in connection with the global reshuffles that are coming across the League of Legends esports scene.
If the botliner finds a team in the 1st division of Europe, then he will become the second person from Karmine Corp to go from LFL to LEC: earlier, after the spring split, Fnatic signed Adam.
Zanzarah and promisq remain at Astralis
Several sources indicate that Astralis' jungler and support will remain in the squad for at least one more season. This news caused an ambiguous reaction in the community, since over the past season the team was not able to make it to the playoffs of the split, being at the bottom of the standings and the main flurry of criticism about this was directed towards promisq.
We are following the development of events and will keep you informed.
Possible Team Liquid roster for 2022 has appeared online
Travis Gafford posted a video on his YouTube channel in which he talks about all the rumors associated with the LCS teams. For the most part, this was just a repetition of already known rumors, but there was also one very interesting information in this video.
According to Travis, Team Liquid's roster for 2022 will be as follows:
- Bwipo
- Santorin
- Bjergsen
- Hans Sama
- CoreJJ
Of the current Team Liquid roster, only two players are on this list, which means that Alphari, Jensen and Tactical will be looking for another team. This partly confirms the fact that Alphari and Perkz will play together in Team Vitality.
Labrov remains in Team Vitality for the next season
In connection with rumors about the transition of some players under the auspices of the French organization, there were rumors and opinions that Team Vitality would radically change the roster, but this runs counter to the information that the team's support, Labrov, remains at least one more season. Of course, this does not exclude the possibility of Alphari and Perkz joining, but immediately weeds out other rumors associated with this team.