Funny patch for Crusaders Kings III
In an amicable way, the insane medieval simulator Crusaders Kings III has got an interesting patch. The authors of the game from Paradox have released update 1.1.0, which will bring a bunch of changes to the game. The funniest thing is the description of these same edits
Some of the new features of update 1.1.0
- You no longer suffer from malnutrition and obesity for life
- You can no longer try to find the secrets of dead people
- You won't lose any more friends you didn't have
- You can no longer be in debt to yourself for the necklace
- You will no longer get stressed if a spouse you didn't like dies.
- Children, prisoners, and incapable vassals can no longer require you to throw a feast
- Historical characters can no longer be their own parents
- Spies can no longer seek dirt on themselves
- The Pope will no longer publicly accept cannibalism
- Giving up celibacy no longer loses stress on lustful Sims, as this could lead to stress reduction too easy.
- AI can learn to dance
- Your children will no longer leave the royal court simply because they are brave. This way, daughters will not run away in a male-dominated society and sons in a female-dominated society.
- Imprisoned vassal will no longer scream for revolt
- Calm do not like impatient
Check out the tons of new features coming to the game with patch 1.1.0 on the developer blog.
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