HomeІгриMicrosoft revealed all cards: release date, pre-order and price of the new Xbox Series X console became known
Microsoft revealed all cards: release date, pre-order and price of the new Xbox Series X console became known
On September 8, following a leaked information regarding the Xbox Series S, Microsoft announced a minor version of the console. Today, the company announced the Series X itself.
Xbox Series X hits store shelves on November 10. Pre-order will be available on September 22, and the price, as expected, will be $ 499. But that's not all. It also became clear which games will be available at the start of Nextgen
- Assasin's Creed: Valhalla. Ubisoft has "pushed" the release date of their game back a week to release it exactly on the day of the Series X release.
- DIRT After several transfers, DIRT has decided on a release date. It was expected to be November 10th.
- Watch Dogs: Legion. Watch Dogs 3 will be released on October 29, but will receive a free update for Series X on November 10.
Also available at launch will be Tetris Effect: Connected and Gears Tactics. Most likely this is not a complete list of starting titles, but we will learn more closer to the release of the console itself.
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