Summer Sale kicks off on PS Store
The annual Summer Sale kicked off on July 22nd at the Sony Store. This year, the Japanese have cut project costs at a record. Most likely the reason for this generosity was the preparation for the PS5 release. During the promotion, it is clearly worth looking at:
- Death Stranding - 1934 rubles
- Days Gone - 1304 rubles
- GreedFall - 1119 rubles
- Person 5 Royal and Persona 5 - 2624 and 999 rubles, respectively
- Snowrunner - 2449 rubles
- Resident Evil 3 - 2029 rubles
- The Outer Worlds - 1749 rubles
- Divinity: Original Sin 2 - 1749 rubles
- Read Dead Redemption 2 - 1679 rubles
- Gran Turismo Sport - 876 rubles
- Control - 1224 rubles
- Mortal Kombat 11 (the game itself + all DLC) - 2644 rubles
- Nioh 2 - 2564 rubles
- Dragon Quest XI: Echoes of an Elusive Age - 1899 rubles
- Hitman 2 - 1069 rubles
- Wreckfest - 1379 rubles
By tradition, the sale lasts a month, but the list of games may change after some time. Some of the above projects will leave the list in a week. Perhaps in the middle of the sale, on August 6, Sony will be pleased with discounts on its other projects. You can track the cost of projects you
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