Sony PlayStation 5 specs announced
PlayStation chief engineer Mark Zerny talked about the technical parameters that the fifth generation of Sony’s game console will have. If we compare the characteristics of the PlayStation 5 with its direct competitor in the face of the Xbox Series X, then the brainchild of Sony loses a little to the product from Microsoft. This is what insiders previously reported.
Playstation 5
- Processor: 8-core AMD Zen 2 with a frequency of 3.5 GHz
- Graphics core: 10.28 teraflops based on AMD RDNA 2
- RAM: 16 gigabytes of GDDR6 at a speed of 446 gigabytes
- Memory: 825 gigabytes SSD NVME format at speeds from 5.5 to 9 gigabytes per second
- Drive: 4K UHD Blu-ray
Xbox Series X
- Processor: 3.8 GHz custom 8-core AMD Zen 2 processor
- Video card: Custom 1.825 GHz AMD RDNA 2 graphics card with 12 teraflops
- RAM: 16 GB GDDR6
- Bandwidth: 10 GB at 560 GB / s, 6 GB at 336 GB / s
- Internal storage: 1 TB NVME SSD
- Drive Speed: 2.4 to 4.8 gigabits per second
- Expanding Available Space: 1 TB Embeddable Card
- External storage: Support external HDD via USB 3.2. Used only for storing backups or the ability to play games of previous generation consoles
- Optical Drive: 4K UHD Blu-ray
- Claimed performance: 60FPS in 4K resolution with the ability to grow up to 120 FPS
According to Mark Zerni, the PS5 will receive an SSD that will be able to load game levels and open worlds much faster than the PS4 was capable. Now 2 GB of data can be downloaded a little slower than in 0.25 seconds.
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