HomeDota 2Всі новиниThe most famous tournament is coming back to Frankfurt! Tournament organizers have released key information.
The most famous tournament is coming back to Frankfurt! Tournament organizers have released key information.
ESL One Frankfurt 2016 gathers 8 teams. Three of them get direct invitations from the organizer, three are selected via European qualification rounds, and two more teams are selected via American and Asian qualifications.
Group competition starts on June, 17. Group competition matches are played according to the GSL mechanics, also known as double elimination. The format of matches is best-of-three. No live watchers are allowed, though they are welcome to join watching match in Sam's Sportsbar at 10:00 CEST. Two best teams of each group get into the upper bracket.
Teams of 3-rd and 4-th seed get into the lower bracket. None of the teams eliminates competition during group round.
Play-off matches are held on June, 18 and 19. The format of games is best-of- three for all matches expect for the first round of lower bracket. The grand-final is held in best-of- five mode without any advantage to the team which was selected in the matches of the upper bracket.
Prices for tickets are ranged from €29 and up to €2,999. The most expensive tickets give access to a special lounge and non-limited access to fan zones for 5 persons.
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