Double Dimension signed Planet Dog
DD again have a Dota-2 roster. This time j4 and his team will fight for the eSports organization. Two players joined Planet Dog’s roster after signing by the organization. Xcalibur joined Aleksey Lipay’s roster. Xcalibur is known for his performances for Fnatic and DityaRa, who played for Natus Vincere and Power Rangers.
See also: Effect announced a roster for the season Aleksey «j4» Lipay as before will get the fifth position and will lead the team. As for the fourth position, Milan «MiLAN» Kozomara will play there. The position of a hardliner will be taken by Andrey «Mag~» Chipenko, Steve «Xcalibur» Ye will be a mid and Dmitriy «Ditya Ra» Minenkov will play as a carry.
The roster will debut under the tag Double Dimension today at the part of the closed qualifiers for DAC 2018. Next event where the participants will take part in will be an elimination round for GESC E-Series: Jakarta 2018. Double Dimension’s roster:
Dmitriy «Ditya Ra» MinenkovSteve «Xcalibur» YeAndrey «Mag~» ChipenkoMilan «MiLAN» KozomaraAleksey «j4» Lipay
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