NiP temporarily left Dota 2
On the official website of Ninjas in Pyjamas, information has appeared that the management has decided to temporarily stop the activity of the Dota roster. Later, the club will definitely return to this discipline, but at the moment the organization is financially unable to support the team.
As with other organizations, NiP's stability has been deteriorated due to the postponement of the Dota Pro Circuit rating season and The International championship. In addition, NiP are in one of the strongest and most competitive Dota 2 divisions - Europe. It also brings difficulties for them, which hits the wallet of the organization.
The roster, who ran under the NiP tag, joined the organization in April this year. Initially, SoNNeikO played in it, and the roster played under the Chicken Fighters banner. Subsequently, Akbar 'SoNNeikO' Butaev was excluded from the roster, and Mikhail 'Misha' Agatov took his place as a substitute player.
The team took part in many championships, but they managed to achieve greater success and earnings almost at the beginning of the path of players under the NiP tag. In May, the team took 5-6 place at WePlay! Pushka League Season 1 Division 1 and received a cash reward of $ 12,500. In all other tournaments, the prizes did not even reach $ 10,000.
Ninjas in Pajamas roster:
- Charlie 'Charlie' Arat
- Ondrej 'Supream ^' Starha
- Jonas 'SabeRLighT-' Volek
- Adrian 'Era' Crezio
- Mikhail 'Misha' Agatov (standin)
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