OverDrive: xsepower could join Cloud9 and MAD Lions
Russian insider OverDrive in his Telegram reported that xsepower could join Cloud9 and MAD Lions. The insider stressed that the transfer of the former forZe sniper was disrupted due to the player's low level of English proficiency.
xsepower could have ended up in MAD Lions, the transfer amount would have been around $ 150,000, and there was also a request for it from Cloud9. But due to the low level of English, all transfers were canceled.
As a reminder, the player recently ended his contract with the forZe organization. Xsepower himself stated that he became a free agent, open to study new proposals. The 23-year-old Russian player played for forZe between April 2018 and February 2021. In the past six months, xsepower has played for the bankaPEPSI team, with which he managed to compete at the EPIC CIS League Spring 2021, as well as get into the TOP-4 in the EVOLSTAR CIS Cup and IESF World Championship 2021: Russia.
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