Valve updated Ancient
The CS: GO developers listened to the shooter users and made the game on Ancient a little more comfortable. For example, if players throw a weapon into the water near the point of appearance of the attacking side, then it will not fall into the texture due to the invisible pixels that appear there.
Valve also reported that the card has been better optimized and computers will be able to deliver more FPS while avoiding the significant drawdowns it used to be.
Ancient Map Updates
- Reduced the slanted rock near the center connector near point A
- Extra leaves and branches of bushes have been removed near point A to improve visibility of corners
- Decreased the volume of bird sounds
- Added invisible pixels under the water near the terrorist base so that the thrown off weapons do not fall under the textures
- Removed pixel gaps near scaffolding near point B
- Removed pixelated gaps in the doorway on the way from the SWAT base to point A
- Improved the bounce of grenades from rooftops
- General map optimization has been done
Other Updates
- Adjusted the calculation of the effectiveness assessment for different categories of weapons
- Fixed an issue that resulted in players receiving multiple launch warnings in unreliable mode multiple times in a row
- Updated some areas of Grind and Frostbite maps
- Updated localization files
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