Hobbit leaves Winstrike
Now Winstrike will continue on without Abay Khassenov, which has a rating of 1.09 on HLTV. As a result, the team will lose 20% of the amount of earned rating points with an indicator of 2750.
Based on the available information, the e-sportsman left the team of his own free will, but this decision was made with great difficulty upon the application of the 26-year-old player. He also thanked the organization and the team for the work done together.
The player’s place will be temporarily taken by the team’s coach, Dmitry 'hooch' Bogdanov, who will compete as part of ESEA Advanced. By the way, he said that he believes in the strength of the team and believes that the team still has good chances of entering the Major tournament.
Now the composition of Winstrike is as follows:
Aydin 'KrizzeN' Turlibekov Victor 'Lack1' Boldyrev Alexey 'El1an' Gusev Vladislav 'bondik' Nechiporchuk Dmitry 'Hooch' Bogdanov (coach/stand-in)
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