Valve reset ranks in CS:GO matchmaking
On the night of August 2, Valve released a new update for CS:GO, in which it reset the ranks in matchmaking. Now all players will have to go through a mini-calibration again in order to get a new rank in accordance with the updated algorithms.

- Various changes to the matchmaking algorithm in Competitive Mode, so you need to go through the rank calibration again. The rank will not be displayed until you win the next match.
- The game assistant should now remember its last state before turning it off and playing it back after turning it back on.
- Game assistant tips are disabled in competitive mode.
Ember map changes:
- Changed the angle of the north cannon.
- Cannons can now aim upwards and are now 2x faster.
- Now there are three speeds of firing from the cannon (changes RMB).
- Reduced the inaccuracy multiplier of cannons.
- The kill bar now displays a weapon icon.
- Added screen shake effect and more particle effects.
- Added damage reduction for cannonballs after their initial collision.
- Fixed being able to fly away from the cannon with the pusher mine and keep control of it.
- Fixed cannons continuing to rotate when no longer in use.
- Added a bus near the bus stop outside the industrial area.
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