End of the Defensive Meta: Valve Reduces M4A1-S Magazine Size
On the night of June 15-16, 2022, Valve released a fresh update for CS:GO, in which it answered numerous requests from professional players by reducing the size of the M4A1-S magazine. In addition, the developers paid attention to finalizing the Ancient map, adding more options for players to attack and defend.
The main innovation concerns the change in the size of the magazine and the total number of rounds in the M4A1-S. The Assault Rifle, beloved by players in recent months, now only holds 20 rounds. In addition, the stock of the total number of rounds has been increased to 80.
Changes on the Ancient map:
- Removed clutter of crates between the cave position and the center of the map.
- Fixed a gap in pixels inside the "cave" towards the center of the map.
- Fixed clipping around the center of the map where players would sometimes appear to be floating in the air.
- Smoothed out the ground texture near the "cave" position towards point B.
- Archaeological excavations inside the "cave" are blocked.
- Smoothed corners in the room that leads from the center of the map to point A.
- Added additional cover near the pillar at B.
- One side entrance to point A is blocked, while the other entrances are expanded.
- Fixed some visual bugs when viewing the center of the map from a room that leads from point A.
- Reduced scaffolding damage on bombsite B.
- Increased the light coming from candles and lanterns.
Inferno map changes:
- Bomb explosion damage increased from 500 to 620.
Vertigo map changes:
- Another attempt to fix a bug with incendiary grenade damage through the floor in the center of the map.
Cache map changes:
- Exploit fixed.
Vineyard map changes:
- Performance and stability improvements.
- Ivy is now swaying in the wind.
- Fixed problems with the physics of moving objects.
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