HomeCounter-Strike 2Xaoc on business and economics Natus Vincere: "In terms of economics, we are doing well"

Xaoc on business and economics Natus Vincere: "In terms of economics, we are doing well"
Today Mikhail 'Olsior' Zverev interviewed the COO of the Ukrainian esports club Natus Vincere live on his Twitch stream. In it, Aleksey 'xaoc' Kucherov shared his thoughts on doing business in the future, NaVi 's role in Russia's war with Ukraine, decisions related to Boombl4, business policies and much more. We have collected the most interesting moments for you. In this excerpt, Alexey shared the global situation of NAVI in the field of doing business:
NAVI had only one partner from Russia - Tinkoff Bank. All other partners have kept cooperation with us. Most of them have been cooperating with us for quite a long time - 5-6 years, and we are very grateful to them. From an economic point of view, we are doing well. Now we have many plans for bootcamps and there are clear directions for development in different vectors. From the point of view of costs, the situation[withthewar]has certainly become unpleasant for us. We made various charitable contributions and it all costs money. The situation has become worse, but due to the fact that we had a fairly global approach to business, everything is basically normal. For many of our partners, work with us continues and, of course, priorities change. Many organizations have stopped their work in Russia, but in the case of us, everything is quite loyal.
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