HomeCounter-Strike 2FACEIT has a new update that allows you to block players in the search for a match

FACEIT has a new update that allows you to block players in the search for a match
A new major update has been released on the FACEIT platform, which brings several features at once and adds several ways to play.
Our first product update for 2022 is out, bringing several new features, new changes and new ways to play on FACEIT. While we look forward to you reviewing today's update, we know we still have a long way to go to bring the FACEIT matchmaking process to the desired level. We are currently working on many new improvements that we can't wait to share with you soon.
List of major changes:
- Added a match blocking feature that gives "premium" and "game" subscribers the ability to block players they don't want to play with. The feature is available in all regions. "premium" subscribers can block up to five players at a time, while "game" subscribers can block up to three players in search.
- Wingman Competitive Matchmaking is now available in Europe and North America.
- Quickplay Alpha mode is now available for Europe and North America. Players will be able to join FFA Deathmatch servers on 128-ticket servers protected by FACEIT Anti-Cheat. New game modes and quick play features are coming soon.
- Changed the matchmaking system in North America. Free and premium queues have been merged, server location preferences have been added with the addition of Los Angeles and New York.
FACEIT said they've been testing the changes over the course of several weeks based on player feedback.
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