AVEZ signed a new CS:GO roster
The leadership of the esports organization AVEZ Esports told their fans the good news. Now the club has a CS:GO roster again. The following Polish players will play under his tag: Kamil 'mystic' Matz, Sebastian 'bastEe' Kulik, Pawel 'eYs' Veselek, Filip 'arioszek' Wrubel, Kasper 'hous1k' Profik and Adrian 'AlcesT' Chizyak as a coach.
The last roster was finally disbanded yesterday, and its dissolution process began on December 31st with the departure of Kasper 'gRuChA' Grushechka and Lukasz 'splawik' Jans. Later, on January 14, Dominik 'fanatyk' Barkiet left the club, and on January 27, the two remaining cybersportsmen, David 'pendzel' Ryzhko and David 'SaMey' Stanczak, also left the roster.
So far, the team will be engaged in training and we will not see its debut in any of the tournaments very soon.
Updated CS:GO roster of AVEZ Esports:
- Camille 'mystic' Matz
- Sebastian 'bastEe' Kulik
- Pavel 'eYs' Vesyolek
- Philip 'arioszek' Vrubel
- Casper 'hous1k' Profik
- Adrian 'AlcesT' Chizyak (coach)