HomeCounter-Strike 2In the latest update for CS:GO, a case with skin designs from the community has been added

In the latest update for CS:GO, a case with skin designs from the community has been added
Valve has released a fresh update for CS:GO, in which a case with skin designs from the community has been added. The new case "Dreams and Nightmares" consists of 17 skins, which were selected according to the results of a competition among users. Each contest winner whose skin is added to the game will receive $100,000.
In addition to adding a new case "Dreams and Nightmares" to the game, the developers paid attention to finalizing the Insertion 2 map:
- The strange boost spot opposite the orange building (opposite the dentist) has been replaced with a different boost that is easier to spot.
- Adjusted player spawn points in and around the House and disabled collision on mailboxes to prevent players from getting stuck when spawning.
- Cleaned up the center of the map by removing the fence and the blue tank.
- Visibility from the top shelf with eggs and meat in the store is blocked.
- Changed the range of automatic doors at the station for trains. It is now possible to sneak past doors without triggering their automatic opening system.
- The automatic shotgun can now break cabinets in the office.
- Minor graphic fixes.
In addition, Valve has changed the color of the Operation Predatory Waters diamond coin.
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