Replication mode - patch details 2.09
The developers have presented a detailed list of changes that will arrive in VALORANT on May 12. Note that Riot Games not only updated the Breeze map and added an "Escalation" mode, but also paid attention to basic things, be it bug fixes or reworking agent skills.
Replication mode
Replicate mode offers a unique gaming experience with a Spike setting of up to 5 rounds wins. However, the key feature of the mode is the pre-launch choice of one agent, which will be controlled by each player. Let's go through the basic rules:
- The duration of the round is 80 seconds.
- The duration of the pistol round is 45 seconds, and all subsequent rounds are 30 seconds.
- Teams choose an agent by voting before the match.
- All skills, except for absolute ones, are reset in each round (before the start of each round, players receive one skill point).
- The weapon and shield are discarded each round.
- The player cannot be blinded more than twice.
- The economic part of the rounds (in sequence) - 900, 2400, 3900 and 6000.
Note that the "Replication" mode will be available for the next two weeks.
Competitive Mode Changes
- From now on, each team can take 2 tactical pauses per match, which last 60 seconds.
- In spectator mode, the visual synchronization of bullet trails and hit effects has been improved.
- Improved interface performance during matches.
- In Spectator mode, the color of placed support on the minimap now matches the color of the team.
Viper changes
- Reduced Viper's instant damage upon entering the Toxic Cloud or upon crossing the Toxic Veil from 50 to 30.
Breeze map change
- Improved player collisions in various areas.
- Fixed visible gaps above doors in the mid lane and steel doors in the A site.
- Fixed an issue that resulted in players sometimes getting stuck between the Sage wall and mechanical doors.
Also, the developers paid attention to eliminating common errors.
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