Full changelog of patch 2.07 for VALORANT
The developers decided to please VALORANT fans with a new update. In patch 2.07, Riot decided to focus on agents and rework some of the nuances of ranked play.
Astra changes:
- From now on, the well attracts agents at the moment of disabling Spike. Note that earlier players discovered a very strange bug due to which the skill did not work on players disabling Spike.
- Also, the neutralization will be interrupted if the well drags the neutralization agent outside the area of interaction with Spike.
- Astra will no longer see a strange dome when exiting Astral Form during the Omen Ultimate.
Raze changes:
- Added new sound effects for airborne movement with the Explosive Pack.
- The visual effects of explosions and the "Extinguish candles" skill have been updated - now they take up less space and disappear faster.
Viper changes:
- Fixed a bug in calculating damage received for players with armor.
General improvements:
- In Spectator mode, Cypher stretches are now marked with the color of the corresponding team.
- Improved scrolling of the mark wheel - now the wheel will be more convenient to use.
Riot also highlighted a bug that sometimes caused viewers to see the wrong aiming direction of sniper rifles when switching view. Due to this bug, the scope automatically changed direction to the correct one after about 1 second. In addition, the developers paid attention to a bug due to which players had to restart the client in order to remove the search restriction for a ranked game after the disciplinary measure was lifted.
Ranked game changes:
- Fixed an issue that caused the match history filter to work incorrectly.
- Fixed a number of localization errors in the server list and in the rank promotion notification.
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