A list of all the changes in update 2.04 has appeared
In Act 2 of Episode 2, the developers decided to add a new agent, a battle pass, and an updated series of Prime skins. Also, changes have been made to matchmaking in ranked play. Now the player will be able to invite more friends of different levels to matches at low ranks, and only the best players can get the highest ranks.
Agent changes:
- Astra appears in the game - a new specialist with inherent abilities.
Mode changes:
- Teleport exits on the Bind map are now always open.
- Restored the previous frequency of games on the Bind map.
Ranked game changes:
- The rank calibration at the start of the act has changed. If there is a rank in the previous act, it will not be reset at the beginning of the next.
- You must now be among the top 500 players in your region and have a certain minimum ranked play rating to be ranked "Radiant".
- All Radiant players have been downgraded to Immortal.
- To return to the leaderboard in a new act, you need to play a calibration match.
- Players who never ranked in the previous act will need to play 5 calibration matches to rank.
- The minimum rating for a ranked game when the rank is lowered has been reduced from 80 to 70.
- Ranks are no longer displayed when selecting an agent and during the game. They can be seen on the end of the match screen.
General improvements:
- Added tactical alerts.
- Now, when playing such lines as "I see a Spike" or "I see enemies", the player will receive information about the location of the target.
- Client-side frame rates for medium to high performance computers improved by an average of 3%.
Note that tactical alerts will not be enabled in modes, and alerts can also be disabled.
Bug fixes:
- Fixed a bug due to which the drop-down menu of the "Custom game" server appeared indefinitely.
- Fixed an issue that caused Reyna's Soul Orb effects to appear after assisting in the destruction of enemy objects.
- Fixed a bug with synchronization of the timer and the actual time of action of Reyna's soul orbs.
- Fixed bugs due to which Omen, during the use of the "Hidden Step" skill, crashed into a wall when teleporting to narrow areas enclosed by the Sage wall.
- Fixed a bug due to which the action indicators of the absolute skill of agents Killjoy, Cypher, Brimstone, Sage, Breach, Jett and Viper did not work.
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