HomeVALORANTPatch notes for Valorant update 7.0: Deadlock, TDM, new Progression System, and other innovations
Patch notes for Valorant update 7.0: Deadlock, TDM, new Progression System, and other innovations

Patch notes for Valorant update 7.0: Deadlock, TDM, new Progression System, and other innovations

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Patch 7.0 for the game Valorant promises to change the meta-game by introducing a new Sentinel, as well as introducing a new game mode and progression system. The following text provides a brief description of all the changes included in the patch notes for Valorant 7.0.

Update Valorant 7.0 launches Episode 7 Act 1 and is one of the most extensive updates in recent times, offering new gameplay features including the team deathmatch mode called "Deadlock" and an updated progression system.

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Additionally, the new patch will add the "Neo Frontier" skin collection and a new battle pass for players. Numerous bugs have also been fixed.

As part of the Valorant 7.0 update, the fifth Sentinel named "Deadlock" will be introduced, which undoubtedly will become a formidable force in the game. She hails from Norway, and her abilities can be lethal when used with skill. Some Valorant players have already expressed concerns about the "instant-win" ability possessed by this character, while others have commented on its appearance, saying, "It's a whole different game now."

Alongside the new Sentinel, a team deathmatch mode will be introduced in which 10 players are divided into two teams. They will be able to respawn indefinitely and use their Agent's abilities, and the winning team is the one that scores the highest number of kills within a limited time. This mode can serve as a great warm-up opportunity before ranked matches.

Finally, the new progression system reevaluates the way Agents and related items are unlocked in Valorant. Players can now unlock Agents using a new free in-game currency called "Kingdom Credits."

Below are the full patch notes for the Valorant 7.0 update, according to the official statement from Riot Games.

General Updates

Spray Wheel

  • Added text to the Spray equip screen indicating your bound keybinds.

Agent Updates


  • Deadlock goes live!Learn about her abilities on our Agents page.
  • Watch our latest Sentinel take on a mysterious creature below.


  • We’ve conducted a pass on our ability descriptions in-game and on our website for grammar and consistency. These updated descriptions should be easier to understand, with clearer explanations for what each ability does.

Modes Updates

Team Deathmatch

  • Team Deathmatch goes live!

Progression Updates

Progression System Update

  • Daily RewardsThis new feature recognizes your engagement in the game with daily rewards. Every day that you play matches, you’ll earn progress on a Checkpoint Track. Each checkpoint on the track yields quantities of XP and our new in-game currency, Kingdom Credits. All game modes provide progress towards Daily Rewards except for Deathmatch.
  • Kingdom Credits can be spent on accessories, Agents, and Agent Gear.
  • Accessory StoreUse your Kingdom Credits to purchase accessories from previous Battlepasses, including:Player Cards
  • Sprays
  • Titles
  • Gun Buddies
  • Agent StoreThe Agent Store streamlines the Agent acquisition process. As always, you can use VP or Recruitment Tokens to unlock an Agent, and now you have a third option: unlocking them with Kingdom Credits.
  • Agent Recruitment EventsEach new Agent will have their own Agent Recruitment Event when they are launched. During these events, you’ll earn XP towards the new Agent automatically. As well, you won’t be able to unlock the new Agent with Kingdom Credits or Recruitment Tokens, but you can still use VP if you like.
  • If you don’t earn enough XP during a Recruitment Event to unlock an Agent, that Agent becomes available for purchase normally, after the Recruitment Event, in the Agent Store.
  • Agent GearAll of your favorite Agent-themed gear is available for Kingdom Credits. For every Agent, there are now 10 Levels of Agent Gear instead of 10 Levels of Agent Contract. To get an Agent’s gear, you must first own the Agent, then unlock each Level of Agent Gear.
  • Level 5 used to unlock Agents. However, since we moved Agents into the Agent Store, Level 5 will now grant you a flat amount of Kingdom Credits. If you already have the Agent, however, you won’t get any Kingdom Credits at Level 5.
  • Bug Fixes


    • Fixed an issue where the Spray Wheel was not appearing in-game when there was packet loss during your load in. This should occur much less frequently.
    • Fixed a bug where you were able to purchase outside of your account’s region.
    • Fixed an issue where you were able to see the opposing team’s bullet tracers during the Buy Phase.


    • Fixed Chamber’s Rendezvous (E) to interrupt the teleport if you are Suppressed mid animation.
    • Fixed Yoru’s Gatecrash (E) to interrupt the teleport if you are Suppressed mid animation.
    • Fixed Omen’s From the Shadows (X) to cancel the teleport if you Suppressed while forming.
    • Fixed Cypher’s Spycam (E) from being placeable on Lotus’ rotating doors.
    • Fixed issue where Sage’s Barrier Orb (C) would sometimes rotate multiple times from a single button press when placing it.
    • Fixed issues where on some map geo Cypher could not pick up his Cyber Cage (C) during the Buy Phase.
    • Fixed issue where Killjoy’s Alarmbot (Q) could be destroyed from a farther distance than intended by Raze’s Boom Bot (C).
    • Fixed issue where frame rate would decrease when Reyna is healing from Devour (Q).


    • Fixed an issue where the Chinese Baidu Pinyin input method could only type English in chat.
    • Fixed a bug where the Push-to-Talk key sometimes allowed for voice to be transmitted even when letting go of the key.

    Known Issues


    • An Agent’s HP number is visible while in Spike Cam perspective.
    • The red background that displays behind the HP number when an Agent is at critical health may be visible even if the Agent is not in critical health.
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