
Riot Games has shared information about Deadlock, the new agent for the game VALORANT
Riot Games has unveiled a new agent for VALORANT, and details about the character were disclosed in a trailer released on the game's YouTube channel.
The recently introduced agent belongs to the Sentinel class and is scheduled to be introduced into the game on June 28th, coinciding with the commencement of the seventh episode.
The agent, known as Deadlock, possesses a set of unique abilities:
- GravNet (C): This ability involves a grenade that detonates upon impact, causing all enemies to be immobilized and move at a slower pace.
- Sonic Sensor (Q): By deploying a specialized device, Deadlock can track enemy sounds within a specific area. When the device detects footsteps, gunfire, or other significant noises, it generates a stunning field that affects a wide radius.
- Barrier Grid (E): Deadlock has the capability to create a cross-shaped barrier that obstructs enemy movement. These energy walls can be destroyed by gunfire.
- Annihilation (X): Deadlock's ultimate ability releases a powerful impulse that captures the first enemy it reaches, ensnaring them within a cocoon. Subsequently, the enemy is propelled along a path composed of nanowires and will perish unless freed by destroying the cocoon with gunfire.
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