Stinger Changes and Agent Bug Fixes - Introducing VALORANT Patch 6.02
Riot Games has unveiled a list of changes that will appear in VALORANT with the release of patch 6.02. In particular, the developers have made the expected improvements to the Stinger, and also fixed enough errors among the agents and their abilities.
Stinger Changes
The developers paid attention to the danger of the Stinger at medium and long distances. As a result, it was decided to increase the cost of the submachine gun, as well as nerf the damage.
- Cost increased to 1,100 credits
- Changed damage stats: 27 damage per bullet (0-15 meters) and 23 damage per bullet (over 15 meters)
Error correction
In addition, attention was paid to the observed errors among the agents and their abilities.
- Fixed a bug due to which "EPI/Center" incorrectly showed the enemies that the ability suppresses
- Improved the trajectory of the Bombtron when chasing an enemy
- Fixed an issue that caused the Bombtron to get stuck in a wall and start shaking, making a loud noise
- Fixed a bug due to which the Lure would sometimes get stuck in the air at various points on the maps
- Fixed an issue where Neurosteal would only reveal the location of enemies once if Cypher died or started the next round during the previous use of this skill
- Fixed a bug due to which the disclosure of the location of enemies by the Neurosteal skill was interrupted if Cypher died after using the skill
The developers also continued to refine the new Lotus map. This time, some jumping sounds have been fixed and removed, and door movement has been improved.
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