Lotus Map Officially Added to VALORANT - Patch 6.01 Details
Riot Games has published a list of changes that will appear in VALORANT with the release of patch 6.01. Chief among them is the official release of the new Lotus map, which will now be available for ranked and unranked play. However, the developers have also fixed a number of bugs to improve the gaming experience.
Changes and improvements on the Lotus map
- Reduced noise from revolving doors
- Removed separate search for players
- Fixed an exploit that caused buffs in the back of the B site
- Breach can cast skills on both revolving doors again
- The view of the destructible door in passage A has been fixed
- Spike is no longer lost in the back of the A site
- Fixed a problematic Spike installation location on site A
- Fixed bug with getting stuck in revolving doors
Improvement of the gameplay
- Fixed an issue where the flash action indicator above the agent's head did not match the actual flash action when viewed in third person
- Fixed a bug due to which, when switching sides from defense to attack in "Custom game", Spike was not visible when picking up, and Spike could not be selected
- Fixed a bug due to which it was impossible to install Spike after reconnecting to a match if agents died during a connection loss
- Fixed a bug due to which, when using Marshal with auto-aim enabled, the weapon did not fully reload between shots
- Killjoy's Hive no longer deals more damage to destructible objects than intended
In addition, the developers have temporarily removed the Replication mode, which is now available only in "Custom game".
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