VALORANT will temporarily have a new Swiftplay mode
Riot Games has announced the launch of a new mode in VALORANT called Swiftplay. "Quick Play" will be available from tomorrow and will remain in the game until January 10th. The developers did not forget to add that the mode is in beta testing.
The main gist of the new Swiftplay mode:
- Game up to 5 wins, match of two halves of 4 rounds each
- The victory conditions are the same as in other modes with Spike
- At the beginning of the round, players have a set number of credits: 800, 2400 (excluding bonus 600 credits for winning the pistol round), 4250 and 4250
- Weapons and credits are saved in the following rounds
- Bonus: +600 credits for winning the pistol round
- Standard bonuses for killing (+200 credits) and for installing Spike (+300 credits)
- At the beginning of each half of the match, players receive 2 ultimate points
- Additional decisive round in case of equal score of teams
- Approximate match time - 15 minutes
In addition, between December 14 and January 5, players will receive up to 20% additional experience for matches played as part of a group.
- Groups of 2 players will receive 8% more XP
- Groups of 3 players will receive 12% more XP
- Groups of 4 players will receive 16% more XP
- Squads of 5 players will receive a maximum increase in experience - 20%
Recall that earlier Riot Games published an official list of changes that will be made to VALORANT with the release of patch 5.12.
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