
No surprises - the developers paid attention to minor changes in patch 5.05
Riot Games has unveiled a list of changes for VALORANT that will appear in the game with the release of update 5.05. With the main focus of fans on VALORANT Champions 2022, the developers did not change the basics of the gameplay, focusing their efforts on minor improvements to the social features.
The best teams in VCT are already battling it out for the 2022 VALORANT Champions Cup, so there will be little change this time around. But the social interaction team fixed a lot of bugs!
Changes to social features with patch 5.05
- Fixed an issue where players could report themselves
- Fixed an issue where choosing a captain in the Matchmaking Lobby would affect the in-game status of party members in the social panel
- Fixed a bug due to which some players did not receive a notification when trying to join a group from which they were excluded
- Fixed a bug due to which the text fields of the context menu and notes about friends were closed when changing the status of a friend in the social panel
- Fixed an issue where joining a party with members in a match would result in an empty username
- Fixed an issue where players with non-English characters in their Riot ID could not be found through the Riot ID invite menu
- Fixed a bug due to which players could not report a teammate/opponent in the agent selection menu if the game session lasted more than 30 minutes
Game system updates
- Fixed a bug due to which the binding of the "Home" key to the action did not work
- Fixed a bug due to which in some languages the values in the tooltip of rewarded credits in overtime were incorrect
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