Berlin To Be Host City For VALORANT EMEA Partnership
Berlin will be the host city for theVALORANT EMEA partnership , sources toldBLIX.GGon Sunday. The final decision was made by two cities: Berlin and Barcelona. The main reason for choosing the city was that most of the teams preferred Berlin as many organizations were already established in Berlin because they competed in the LEC.
In addition, the American League venue is expected to be in Los Angeles, while the Asia-Pacific and Pacific Rim venue is expected to be in Seoul, as previously reported by BLIX.GG.
In addition to that, a couple of teams that were on the waiting list moved on to the final interview phase. Due to some teams being dropped in this phase itself and possible mergers between other teams, some of the teams rumored to be in this phase were not included in the previous list published by BLIX.GG, including MAD Lions. While these are just rumors, in order to protect the team name, we will update the post once we confirm the names of a couple of teams that have moved forward.
The ten teams that will be part of this affiliate program have yet to be confirmed, it looks like the selected teams will be informed after the conclusion of VALORANT Champions 2022. There are currently no confirmed teams in these leagues.