wait leaves KRÜ Esports
Argentine esports organization KRÜ Esports has announced changes to its VALORANT roster, saying goodbye to wait. Recall that the 26-year-old Chilean esportsman was a bench player, but managed to play for the club in several championships.
Thank you so much wait! Today it's time to say goodbye to the one who was always ready to cover the guys when they needed it (we all remember that match against Meta with pride) Thank you for everything brother!
wait joined KRÜ Esports in March this year, initially counting on a small amount of game practice. However, due to the scandal around keznit and his statements, the 26-year-old Chilean esportsman made his way into the team.
Together with the wait team, he managed to win the VALORANT Champions Tour 2022: Latin America Stage 1 - Challengers Playoffs and VALORANT Champions Tour 2022: Latin America South Stage 2 Challengers, as well as take second place in the VALORANT Champions Tour 2022: Latin America South Stage 1 Challengers.
Currently, the Chilean team is preparing for the start of VALORANT Champions 2022, where it will play in the same group with FunPlus Phoenix, XSET and XERXIA.
VALORANT Champions 2022 itself will be held from August 31 to September 18 in Istanbul at the Volkswagen Arena. Sixteen teams from Europe, North and South America, Southeast Asia, Japan, South Korea and China will take part in the tournament.
From now on, the composition of KRÜ Esports in the VALORANT discipline is as follows:
- Klaus.
- Mazino.
- NagZ.
- delz1k.
- keznit.
- wait (reserve player).
- BeTony (coach).
- ddx (analyst).
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