Valorant got a new patch
Riot Games have released a new patch for their shooter. Valorant has now been updated to version 3.08. Coaches in teams now have expanded functionality to help their players. In addition, the reporting mechanics have been improved and the game performance has been improved for a more comfortable gaming experience for users. Some bugs have been fixed.
List of changes in the new Valorant patch
Improving the trainer system
- Trainers can now switch between players using the keyboard
- The trainer interface now displays a special icon at the top of the screen above the player's portrait while observing him
- Trainers can now see player hotkeys on the minimap, just like spectators
Improvements to the reporting system
- Players will be notified of actions taken following complaints anytime the client is turned on
Account system innovations
- An additional tab has appeared in the player selection menu for selecting a card for a profile
- Users can hide their account level in matches with strangers. To do this, uncheck the box next to the profile frame
Improving performance
- Developers have minimized the incidence of incorrect interface updates
- Optimized Viper Poison Cloud elements in first person view
- Introduced an identical change for another agent ability - "Viper's Nest"
- Optimized the calculation of the section planes of weapons and abilities
Eliminating errors
- Left-handed mode displays the Viper glove elements on the correct side
- Weapon skins are now displayed correctly. Previously, the cosmetic item was limp due to low connection
- Fixed an exploit due to which during the shopping phase, attackers on the A-plant site on the Split map heard shots from the rise at the same point
- Ultimate Viper will display correctly when placed on Icebox B-plant crates
- Fixed a bug due to which during the use of the tag the deactivation of "Spike" was stopped
- Spectators can see the silhouettes of players through the barriers
- Removed a bug related to shooting at certain walls. They appeared due to the endless overlapping of halos.
- Removed the delay that appeared after the destruction of the "Orb of the Barrier"
- Fixed delays of some prompts for input
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