Overwatch 2 Season 7: Which Heroes Are Poised for Mythic Skin Glory?
With Overwatch 2's Season 7 on the horizon, the anticipation for the next mythic skin recipient has sparked speculation among players. Given the game's extensive roster of 38 heroes, the possibilities are abundant.
Overwatch 2 has garnered some criticism for its distribution of skins, particularly concerning certain heroes. For instance, the Support hero Kiriko boasts one mythic skin, seven legendary skins, and three epic skins (not including Overwatch League or Contenders content). This translates to at least two new skins for Kiriko every season. While Kiriko's fans appreciate the attention, there are other heroes who are eagerly awaiting their turn in the spotlight in Season 7.

Despite having a reasonable number of legendary skins, most of Bastion's options are relics from the original Overwatch events. Bastion's latest legendary, the Fire Engine skin, isn't even part of the Season 6 battle pass. Considering that the next Overwatch 2 mythic skin is expected to go to a DPS or tank hero, Bastion is a strong contender in need of a detailed makeover, especially since its introduction in 2016.

If the next mythic skin is designated for a tank hero, Winston is a top choice. This super-intelligent gorilla has captured players' hearts with his endearing personality and witty voice lines. Regrettably, since the launch of Overwatch 2, he has received only two legendary skins through the battle pass. Perhaps Season 7 is the perfect opportunity for Blizzard to remedy this by bestowing upon Winston the coveted mythic skin.

While Junkrat has received more attention than Winston in Overwatch 2, his skins have generated mixed reactions. While some players appreciate Beachrat, Junkenstein, and King Jamison, these cosmetics originated in the first Overwatch. Additionally, one of his exclusive battle pass skins, Hong Hai Er, was met with disapproval from various players, and the legendary Junkbot skin was only available for purchase. Given Junkrat's explosive DPS role, he certainly merits a mythic skin to acknowledge his contributions.

Although Ashe received a free legendary skin, Snake Wrangler, in the Season 6 battle pass track, criticisms have arisen regarding the overall quality of her skins. While Poolside, Little Red, and Warlock enjoy favor among players, Ashe seems to lack appealing alternatives. Moreover, her Rajin skin had significant design flaws in Season 2, leading some in the community to label it a "pay to lose" skin. Given Ashe's limited selection of standout skins, she is a strong candidate for a new legendary or mythic skin.

Torbjorn's robust physique may pose challenges for crafting unique skins, although this has never been officially stated. The turret-wielding hero has received a few additions since Season 1, but none have garnered significant attention except for the Surf 'n' Splash Summer Games skin. Torbjorn appears to lack truly remarkable skins, a situation that could be rectified if developers choose to grant him a high-tier legendary skin or the next mythic.
While this list doesn't include any Support heroes, Lucio or Brigitte could be excellent choices for legendary skins in Season 7. However, considering that a Support hero recently received the mythic skin, it's more plausible for Blizzard to select a hero from a different category in the upcoming release. The identities of the heroes set to receive new skins in the upcoming weeks remain a mystery, creating anticipation among the Overwatch 2 community.