HomeHearthstoneHearthstone: The State of SIlence

Hearthstone: The State of SIlence

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all Dragons from your hand? That's crazy!" You may be thinking. Then, amidst all the excitement, a tiny voice in the back of your head whispers, "hoot hoot". Your heart drops. Of course it's weak to slencecs. And who wouldnt silence it, given the chance? Well, take this into consideration: what if they cant? And not even because they chose not to, or because they already used their silence on your Sylvannas earlier in the match, but because they arent running any? Surprisingly, many players are making this choice to exclude silences from their decks. What does this mean for you?

It's surprising, but many players since the Owl nerfs have chosen to exclude silences from their decks entirely. To support this point, not a single payer of the 8 invited to the 2016 Seoul Cup ran an Owl in their deck, or even any silence in general. Now, this was only 8 players out of several milion around the world, but it is no secret that many of these players derrive their decks and play styles from these many professional players that they can look up to. However, even through this, ladder decks in general are unlikely to run silences at all, at this point. 

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This means, in short, that some cards that were unfairly judged due to their weakness to silence deserve a re-evaluation. These cards include Twilight Summoner and Anubish Sentinel. Both of these cards, especially when combind with N'Zoth, have been seen to be much more prudent in Standard. Frankly, this also means that other cards that were strong to begin with have recieved an indirect buff, such as Tirion FordrngChillmaw, and Savannah Highmane

Back to my original question. What does this mean for you? Overall, it promises a more confortable ladder experience. You no longer have to play a card with the nagging sense that it can and will be silenced, and your only benefit is that they have used one of their potentially 2 or more silences in the deck, and it is no longer available to them. Maybe even cards like Wobbling Runts could see a bit of play, such as being used with Princess Huhuran for even more value. Try these cards out - they will probably end up being more effective than you expect them to be!

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We've all goten excited about a new card before with a crazy effect. "Woah! Deathwing Dragonlord summons all Dragons from your hand? That's crazy!" You may be thinking. Then, amidst all the excitement, a tiny voice in the back of your head whispers, "hoot hoot". Your heart drops. Of course it's weak to slencecs. And who wouldnt silence it, given the chance? Well, take this into consideration: what if they cant? And not even because they chose not to, or because they already used their silence on your Sylvannas earlier in the match, but because they arent running any? Surprisingly, many players are making this choice to exclude silences from their decks. What does this mean for you?

It's surprising, but many players since the Owl nerfs have chosen to exclude silences from their decks entirely. To support this point, not a single payer of the 8 invited to the 2016 Seoul Cup ran an Owl in their deck, or even any silence in general. Now, this was only 8 players out of several milion around the world, but it is no secret that many of these players derrive their decks and play styles from these many professional players that they can look up to. However, even through this, ladder decks in general are unlikely to run silences at all, at this point. 

This means, in short, that some cards that were unfairly judged due to their weakness to silence deserve a re-evaluation. These cards include Twilight Summoner and Anubish Sentinel. Both of these cards, especially when combind with N'Zoth, have been seen to be much more prudent in Standard. Frankly, this also means that other cards that were strong to begin with have recieved an indirect buff, such as Tirion FordrngChillmaw, and Savannah Highmane

Back to my original question. What does this mean for you? Overall, it promises a more confortable ladder experience. You no longer have to play a card with the nagging sense that it can and will be silenced, and your only benefit is that they have used one of their potentially 2 or more silences in the deck, and it is no longer available to them. Maybe even cards like Wobbling Runts could see a bit of play, such as being used with Princess Huhuran for even more value. Try these cards out - they will probably end up being more effective than you expect them to be!

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