Hearthstone with patch 24.2 will add a new currency
Less than a week left by the time of the release of the global update in Hearthstone. Now the official site of the discipline is already full of tons of information about the upcoming patch, but today, we will tell you about the most interesting innovations that the developers will introduce with patch 24.2.
New currency
After the announcement of the new currency, the players were delighted that they had finally found a use for useless achievement points, of which users had accumulated tens of thousands. However, Blizzard quickly cooled the fuse of the fans, saying that the currency is called “Runestones”, and will be added at the end of August.
According to the developers, "Runestones" will be used to purchase almost the entire range of the in-game store. They can be used to buy Battlegrounds Battle Passes, new hero and bartender skins, card packs and mini add-ons, adventures, and other cosmetics. However, there will also be those items that can only be bought with gold.
Separately, I would like to note that the new currency cannot be obtained by playing, but only by purchasing for real money. It will be sold in sets from 500 to 8000 stones.

Other updates
The new patch focuses for the most part on the Battlegrounds mode, and it will be the most innovations in it, but this does not mean that other modes will be left without attention. We will release a detailed review of the update later, and today we will only briefly tell you what to expect on August 30 in order to whet your curiosity.
The first and most important thing is the addition of a new game mechanic - "Tasks". Starting from turn 4, the player will be offered 3 task-reward pairs to choose from (the mechanics are a bit similar to spells previously added to the mode). The essence is quite simple, you choose a task (for example, play 4 nagas), complete it, and get a reward.

In total, there will be 13 tasks with 24 rewards at the beginning, most of the tasks are random, but some will not be available in certain lobbies, and will be determined by the amount of armor the hero has. The more armor you have, the easier it will be to complete one of the proposed tasks.
Other changes
New seasonal battle passes separately for Battlegrounds, they will have both a free variation and for currency (money, runestones).

Reworked many old heroes like Rakanishu, Patchwork, and many others. 11 new creatures, and the return of old ones such as Toxfin, new heroes familiar to us from the expansion “Murder in Castle Nathria”.

Now it will be possible to report players. You can report friends, current and past opponents. The grounds for reporting are an inappropriate name, inappropriate messages, and inappropriate gameplay. What will be the punishments, and the essence of the point of unacceptable gameplay, is yet to be revealed.
Above, we briefly outlined what the game community expects after August 30, in less than a week we will be able to personally test all the interesting features and mechanics.