A short patch 23.6.3 has been released with minor changes and fixes
Blizzardhas nowbegun the process of rolling out patch 23.6.3. As well as a fix for the server side, which includes a couple of adjustments and a few bug fixes, namely:
Battlegrounds Update
Shudderwock is now banned from Beast lobbies.
Arena Update
Cavern Dreamer was returned to 1/3 for 2 mana.
Since this update is server-only, Cavern Dreamer will work correctly, but there will be visual issues where it will either still show up as 1/4 mana for 1 mana, or its cost will temporarily change to 2 mana.
Error correction
Fixed an issue on Battlegrounds where Leeroy the Reckless's effect was destroying the minion that placed his Divine Shield, rather than the minion that killed him.
Fixed an issue on the battlefields where the Mighty Shoal Spellcraft would not work correctly with Magnetic.
Fixed an issue where the " We DID Start the Fire " achievement was not progressing properly.
